Asian Tiger Mosquito: What are Asian Tiger mosquitoes, due to which the person went into coma

Asian Tiger Mosquito: What are Asian Tiger mosquitoes, due to which the person went into coma

Disease: There are many types of mosquito borne diseases in India. Dengue, chikungunya, malaria are such diseases. These diseases have symptoms. Sometimes they are less serious and sometimes they become serious. But there is also an Asian Tiger Mosquito. It is also known as Aedes albopictus. According to media reports, a 27-year-old man living in Germany went into a coma due to the bite of this mosquito. Two fingers of that person had to be amputated and had to undergo surgery. Due to the bite of a mosquito, there was a fusion in his thigh. Let us know about the Asian Tiger mosquito.

Besides humans, it also drinks the blood of animals

Usually mosquitoes bite at night only. But the Elva albopictus mosquito bites during the  day apart from the night. In one case it is even more bizarre. Mosquitoes drink the blood of people. Human beings are its first choice. But if a person’s blood is not available, then they also drink the blood of an animal. They are also called jungle mosquitoes. Its origin is from South East Asia. Now it has spread to America apart from European countries. 

The main factor of these diseases in India

Dengue: India Dengue is usually caused by the bite of an Aedes aegypti mosquito. But Aedes albopictus also causes dengue in India. This disease spreads especially in the North Eastern states and rural areas. This causes dengue shock syndrome. It shows symptoms like bleeding, metabolic acidosis.

Chikungunya: Chikungunya disease also occurs due to Aedes aegypti. Chikungunya is also caused by Aedes albopictus. Although it is not as serious as dengue. It is common to have joint pain, fever, weakness. 

West Nile fever: This disease is also caused by Aedes albopictus. In this, symptoms like headache, muscle pain, vomiting, rashes are seen along with fever. This disease becomes serious till West Nile encephalitis. It directly affects the brain. It shows symptoms like confusion, exhaustion, seizures, local paresthesia. 

Eastern equine encephalitis: This disease is less common in humans than in horses. This disease is caused by the bite of this mosquito. Sometimes this disease proves fatal. These include fever, headache, loose motion followed by confusion, excessive sleepiness, fainting. Later the person is unable to regain consciousness and goes into a coma. Due to this disease, there is no possibility of recovery of the patient up to 70 percent. Only 10 percent of patients are cured. 

Zika virus: Zika virus is produced in India by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Later it starts spreading through sexual relation. If this virus infects a pregnant woman, then the brain of the unborn child does not develop properly. 

Disclaimer: The methods and methods mentioned in this article. And take the claims only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert. 

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